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Dog Assistance Training – Fetching a Drink

Storm the Rottweiler learning how to fetch a drink at 9 months old. This is a great skill to teach your dog, that can be used to impress your friends or as a needed skill for an assistance dog.

The exercise in this video was taught using Positive Reinforcement also known as clicker training. Back chaning was used, so we taught Storm to sit in front and hold first and retrieve the bottle last.

For your dog to be able to perform this you will need to teach them the following skills.

  • Calmly hold an object
  • Let go of an object
  • Retrieve
  • Tug
  • And Sit in front of handler

Do you have a dog that has excessive energy, digs, pulls on the lead, always has something in their mouth that they shouldn’t? This is usually a sign that the dog is lacking mental stimulation and training, so consider teaching them a fun trick like this to take the edge of. To book a dog assistance training session for your dog, fill out the form on the right or call head trainer, Chris Loverseed, on 0403 727 981.

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